Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cute Boots.

As an avid crafter, one of the things I love the most is actually the things that other people make.  I am always in awe of the creative talents of many fellow human beings and treasure the things they make.
My mum recently sent me a baby hat adorned with ickle skull and crossbones for the baby, (my mum is a biker granny)!  I couldn't resist checking out the sellers other items for sale on Ebay and instantly made another purchase.  The cutest booties in the world arrived this morning:

Please take a moment to have a look at Polly's shop on Ebay : A Little Emotional.  With Christmas fast approaching and such beautiful hand-made items, (although I'm not sure who I would give the knitted cervix to), all at very reasonable could you resist?

This post is not sponsored by the way, I just like to appreciate awesome crafting :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Feeling VERY pregnant!

I admit it, I've been a rubbish blogger recently and have very few excuses other than feeling very tired and VERY pregnant now.  I mostly am unable to do the following:

- Bend
- Sleep
- Sew
- Shop
- Sit/Lie still
- Eat a large meal
- Go 5 minutes without needing a wee

I have been very fortunate throughout this pregnancy and managed to avoid most of the horrid symptoms.  Being off work on full pay is also a blessing and it is for these reasons that I shall not complain too much.
I was 33 weeks yesterday and it's won't be long at all until Baby Jones is here...hooooray!

Very excited today as I have my first ante-natal class tonight, I must remember my list of ten million questions!   Also hoping to complete my first Christmas pressie sewing project this afternoon, (all of the wallets have been given away already so am back to square one in terms of Xmas sewing)!!

Well, my eyelids are heavy after a nice walk in the bracing wind earlier today so am off to chill in the comfy chair.
