Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Look What I Made!

Firstly, Happy New Year to you all.  I trust you had a fantastic festive season and now enjoying the anti-climax of the new year!
Baby Jones in finally here having been delivered, eventually, by c-section on Dec 28th.  He weighed in at 7lb 8oz and is without doubt the most amazing human being ever!  I can't bear to put him down or stop sniffing him...I hope this is normal!
We had a massive fail with breastfeeding despite my absolute commitment to getting it right.  A real blow to the confidence but I now have a much happier baby who actually slept for a total of 8 hours last night...not bad for 8 days old!
I never realised what a complete shock to the system childbirth would be and that i would weep without warning most of the time.  I'm so lucky to have Mr Beastie for support, I simply don't know how any woman manages on her own - it must be very tough going.

Here are some photos of the wee man: