Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My first 'story' book!

Well, having created four books as presents, I am finally moving on to illustrate the more general story books.  First up is a book about a marine fish called Lenny.  He is actually a real fish that I have in my tank.
I finished the first painting last night and uploaded it into the book software.  Very happy with it so will get cracking on the rest tonight.
I'm being sidetracked today with a trip into town with my sister-in-law, Jenny.  Then off to the cinema to watch New Moon....hope it's a s good as Twilight.
My evening will then be dedicated to painting as I am heading to Scotland for the rest of the week and won't get much done.
Anyhoos, here is a sneaky peak of the first picture for the new book.

Have a great day, hope the rain doesn't dampen your spirits,

Kegga x

Friday, December 11, 2009

Holidays are coming!

Well, today is my last day at work until 2010 so you can imagine what a happy bunny I am!
The next three weeks will be spent getting as many books illustrated as possible and loaded onto Blurb.
I finally finished the Sammy Snake book and can now concentrate on the more general stories I have written.
First up will be Lenny the Blenny's book, he is actually a real fish that lives in one of my marine fish tanks, (always write about what you know)!!  I'm trying to spend a bit more time on the illustrations for this one and make sure it's perfect, (well, as pefect as someone with my limited artistic ability can make it)!
Other than that, I have been concentrating on our many new additions to the animal kingdom in my house.  The baby dragons are doing really well and all 23 of them will be getting new homes soon, (fingers crossed)!
Here's a photo to make this post more interesting...lol.
Later alligators x

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A touch of randomness!

A close-up of one of my pet beetles just to get your attention!

Well, last night was another evening taken over by unplanned activities.
After doing some work on a friends fancy dress costume and sewing together new campervan cushions I was pooped and decided to take it easy.
I can't help but feel that each time I finish a book there is a lull before I tackle the next one. I guess I get that feeling about most projects, you get so excited when they're finished and want to tell the world about it. Unless you get an excited response then a bit of an anti-climax ensues. Perhaps it's just me, I am rather strange at times!
My lack of book-writing confidence won't stop me though.....as long as the ideas keep flowing, I'll keep going!
The first book is a surprise present for my niece, Ruby. Her mum is my crafting/project/geekiness guru, (one of the kiddie kimonos I made - me and my guru get very excited about these sorts of things),

and I feel lost that I can't share this new venture with her until after Christmas.
I wonder if I'll have any followers by then? Lol.
Right, must go and write a shopping list....wine, wine, wine...oh, and chicken!
Blogs are awesome, I could chat away all day!
Later alligators.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Four down - a billion to go!

Last night involved the usual rushing around and not getting very much done! Working full time really gets in the way of doing the fun, rewarding things in life. Maybe one day my crafting and writing will pay me just enough so I don't have to face 8 hours in the lab each day.
Anyhoos, book number 4 was finished last night and is now proudly displayed on Blurb. It's dedicated to my nephew, Liam, who has lots of snakes living in his house, (although his python is actually called Morag)!
I've included some photos of my painting nest, how does Rich put up with my mess?

Now that I've finished all the books that were written for particular people I can get cracking on some more general ones. I think I need to try a more in-depth style of illustration too, just takes so long to get them done.
I hope your Tuesday goes faster than mine!