Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Look What I Made!

Firstly, Happy New Year to you all.  I trust you had a fantastic festive season and now enjoying the anti-climax of the new year!
Baby Jones in finally here having been delivered, eventually, by c-section on Dec 28th.  He weighed in at 7lb 8oz and is without doubt the most amazing human being ever!  I can't bear to put him down or stop sniffing him...I hope this is normal!
We had a massive fail with breastfeeding despite my absolute commitment to getting it right.  A real blow to the confidence but I now have a much happier baby who actually slept for a total of 8 hours last night...not bad for 8 days old!
I never realised what a complete shock to the system childbirth would be and that i would weep without warning most of the time.  I'm so lucky to have Mr Beastie for support, I simply don't know how any woman manages on her own - it must be very tough going.

Here are some photos of the wee man:


  1. He really is wee! I think there is a bit of conspiracy of silence about how shocking childbirth can be. It's only really in the last few years have I heard my friends starting to admit to how hard it all it in the beginning. I haven't gone through it myself but have had really good friends admit to me that they didn't know what had hit them.

    I hope you all find a pattern that works for you and that your partner gives you all the help that you need. Don't be scared to ask for help either! In previous generations we were surrounded by relatives and neighbours who stepped in when you needed help, that doesn't really happen in modern society, as people "don't want to interfere". So you need to ask.

  2. Congratulations! He is beautiful, well done you. It's amazing when you finally meet the little person you've been growing for 9 months. So the holding, staring, sniffing etc are all normal lol! Just enjoy the days cause they fly by so quickly.

  3. Congratulations! He's beautiful. Enjoy being a mum, it's the best xxx

  4. He is beautiful! enjoy staring and sniffing (i used to! stopped sniffing now cos tiny usually smells of pee!). remember to take it easy, its hard after a c-section (i had one with my first)so use all; the help you can get and spend your time resting, staring, cuddling and sniffing, its far more important to do these things than cleaning or tidying, you can do that when he goes off to uni! x

  5. Congratulations! He's gorgeous! I don't have kids yet, but I think the holding and sniffing thing sounds perfectly normal, you must be so proud! :) x
