Friday, December 9, 2011

Dyson Attachment Toys

It's official, I'm a very irresponsible mum.  The wee man was playing with an attachment for the Dyson this morning and insisted on taking it in the car to nursery.  Played with it all the way home too.  I'm quite sure that pieces of vacuum cleaners are not the most sanitary of toys - especially as he must chew on everything like a puppy.
Still, I've always said that if he'd only sleep on sheeps poo then I'd have a flock of them living in the back garden!
I had a quick read of the newspaper this afternoon at work, (I was on my break - honest), and was a tad annoyed to see that Abbey Clancy is getting a hard time for allowing her baby to sleep on the sofa beside her dog whilst she was on a photo shoot.  For heavens sake, leave the girl alone.  I'm fed up of mums being judged - especially by other mums.  Nuff said!
I've been cutting up some of the wee mans old baby clothes.  Anything still wearable has been passed alomg to those who need it but I couldn't bear to throw out the stained stuff when there's so many memories attached.  Instead I've cut the unstained parts into squares and plan to make a very simple patchwork quilt.  As soon as we've moved house I'll do a step-by-step guide to making the quilt in case anyone out there fancies having a go.  I plan on doing lots of tutorials next year and posting more photos too....all this writing is rather too boring.
Here's a photo of the wee man for good measure!

Later Alligators xx

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