Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A touch of randomness!

A close-up of one of my pet beetles just to get your attention!

Well, last night was another evening taken over by unplanned activities.
After doing some work on a friends fancy dress costume and sewing together new campervan cushions I was pooped and decided to take it easy.
I can't help but feel that each time I finish a book there is a lull before I tackle the next one. I guess I get that feeling about most projects, you get so excited when they're finished and want to tell the world about it. Unless you get an excited response then a bit of an anti-climax ensues. Perhaps it's just me, I am rather strange at times!
My lack of book-writing confidence won't stop me long as the ideas keep flowing, I'll keep going!
The first book is a surprise present for my niece, Ruby. Her mum is my crafting/project/geekiness guru, (one of the kiddie kimonos I made - me and my guru get very excited about these sorts of things),

and I feel lost that I can't share this new venture with her until after Christmas.
I wonder if I'll have any followers by then? Lol.
Right, must go and write a shopping, wine, wine...oh, and chicken!
Blogs are awesome, I could chat away all day!
Later alligators.

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