Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hurry up Book Three!

Have you dabbled in the Millenium trilogy yet?  Stieg Larsson is an amazing author and I am totally gutted to have finished both The Girl with the dragon Tattoo:
and The Girl who Played with Fire:

before the third book has arrived from Amazon.
I may have to read an 'emergency' book in the meantime but it won't satisfy my addiction to this trilogy!
The film of book 2 is released tomorrow but as the books are all connected, I don't want to see it before watching the first one, (also ordered and en-route from Amazon).
If you haven't yet read them then they are an absolute must read.  However, I am a tad mental and these books are quite dark, (bit of sex and violence), so if you are a gentle flower then they may not be your cup of tea!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh... absolutely agree. I've only read the first one so far and loved it. I've got the second but i'm saving it to read on holiday. Excellent reads.
