Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bubba has his own Tree!

The Welsh Assembly Government run a scheme called Plant! which I'd never even heard of until Bubba was born.  An information pack arrived one day letting me know that a tree has been planted in honour of my new baby and even included a grid reference for the exact location of it!  What a splendid idea :)

I'm actually rather relaxed today.  Bubba slept from 8pm until 6am without waking so I too got a decent amount of unbroken sleep. I've got lots done already this morning including a load of washing, washing up, hoovered and even watched something I Sky+ed.

Off to sit in the garden while we have a few rays of sunshine xx

Day -7
Total miles - 4.2
Total calories - 520
Weight - 73kg


  1. Aww, that's such a sweet idea! Wonder if Scotland does anything similar? Are you going to visit the tree sometime? :) x

  2. The Tree is an excellent idea I wish they did it in my area. I just popped in to say hello and have enjoyed reading about your baby, I have a grandson who was born about the same time and its nice to compare progress. Will call again soon.Pop over and visit if you have time.
