Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday, glorious Monday!

Here we are again, bleary-eyed and cursing the working week.  I am actually enjoying every Monday that passes at the moment as it takes me one step closer to baby-day and a brand new chapter in my life.
The weekend seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.  Our new Royal Pythons have been collected, ( a mammoth 5 hour round trip), and settled in to their new home.  I happened to fall deeply in love with a GIANT toad in the pet shop...he was gorgeous!  He's officially been added to my wish list of pets.
Sunday was spent eating a large selection of delicious treats at a christening with the Jones family.  I literally didn't move from the buffet table for the first hour and ate enough to feed six growing babies.
I have finally taken a 'bump' photo or two:

Baby sure is growing fast!
I also received some photos from my awesome mum showing a new cardigan she has knitted for Baby Jones.  It has been kindly modelled by my stepdads gorgeous gorilla....lets hope baby is just as cute!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Weebeastie!

    Thanks for the comments about Quintopus. I've been working on another project so long ( that I've long ignored the 5 armed guy. I've got Quintopus on Lulu too as it's a bit cheaper all round for self-publishers.

    Cheers, and thanks again for the kind words. Now to go through your blog and read a bit. Tell you mom that's a very fine knitting job.

    Rod Salm
