Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Sewing Room Sort-out of 2010.

As the title suggests, I have been sifting through my sewing room trying to clear some space in there and restore order to obvious chaos.  Perhaps that's why I haven't been sewing much.
It's rather depressing to pack unfinished projects into boxes but most of them are clothes for girls and this bump just happens to be a boy!  I have, thankfully, found some of my creations which I can proudly hang with the other clothes for Baby Beastie, can't wait to finally see them being worn.  Here are a couple of kimono wrap tops, the fish fabric is my absolute favourite:

I also found the felt octopus that I randomly made one day, I really love him:

So you see, it's not all doom and gloom clearing out the sewing room, (apart from this dress, which I would have loved to see being worn):

It will also give me a chance to have a good look through all my fabrics and be inspired to get creating for the baby.  I have a pile of mens shirts, (willingly donated I might add...I don't hang around mens changing rooms or anything), which I'm going to transform into dungarees.  This is blatantly copied from Sparrowarms who made a gorgeous pair for her Baby Sparrow.
I must also make a start on writing up some baby books which will, of course, contain Baby Beastie as the star.  I'm thinking pirates...aahaaar.  My first instinct is to go non-rhyming but they are crap to write and bloody boring to read!
Well, it's onwards and upwards as we rocket towards another weekend.  I've passed the 21 week mark and hoping that December is here in a flash, simply can't wait to meet my son.

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